
Source images

I have been very busy over the last few months, hence the lack of recent posts.  Eventually getting around to uploading some research photos I have taken between August and October.


Mr Rabbit

Messing about with a painting from my series of rabbit illustrations and repeating within an app.


Admiring a repeat pattern

I bought this little vest top today from H&M for my little boy.  I love the farm and vegetables pattern.  It is really unusual.  I can't wait to see him wearing it.


I love handwritten fonts and I have passed these signs so many times.  Although messy and not spaced out, there is something quite endearing about them.

The little bandstand


Lucky Chinese Cat

Digitally generated using an A3 felt tip sketch as a starting point.

"Here's looking at you"

A3 felt tip piece.  
Background created via filter. 

More felt tip work

A3 felt tip sketch on cartridge.  Manipulated via app.

Felt tip fun

"Here comes the sun"
Self motivated work
Felt tip
A3 on cartridge paper
(Image manipulated via filter)



Lovely, bright sunny day and I am indoors in the studio mixing colours for a series of illustrations.  


Fabric sample

Spent some time this afternoon mixing up some colours and making a little fabric sample.  I like the top 3 in the sequence as the shapes and colours are almost Swedish in their design but I'm not so happy with the addition of the magenta or the larger flower, which looks rather simplistic and not in keeping with the design I had in mind.  Next attempt will be better! 


A little retro in my life

I stumbled across these fine specimens of retro-ness when I was visiting another village yesterday.  I adore these old pub pegboards.  They take me back to my childhood and I vividly remember seeing these in hairdressers. 

I particularly liked this chalked sign.  Very assertive in the 'eyes down @ 8pm'.  Sometimes you don't need fancy fonts to steal your attention, a simple piece of chalked up writing will suffice.


Textile Printing

I love this medium.  Simply mix in with acrylic and away you go.  Now to find some clothes to print on to!


My take on 80's

I keep going back to this design even though I created it a few years ago. 
 It's one of those ideas that you never quite get the time to fully develop as something else takes priority.  

It was designed to be a black and white pattern but I saw the piece in my sketchbook last week and took pity on it.  I dabbled with some primary colours initially and then took it from there.  It's still not finished ;-)  

I think it's a pattern suitable for MC Hammer or on Bermuda shorts.

Textile Design

Textile design based on previous 'Urban' series work.  
The first design is a simple 180o repeat.  The second design uses colour to create a different mood within the piece.



Cactus fun

I am always intrigued by the shapes and textures in cacti. I will do something with these images later.

A trip to the garden centre ;)

I took these images when I was passing a box of stones in the local garden centre. The colours on the detailed stone are lovely and rusty and made me think of looking down from a plane onto Tuscan fields.


Work in progress

I have started working on 'Urban 3'. This is another mixed media piece which links to the two previous pieces. Currently don't like the bottom half of the piece so next step will probably be to chop it off!

'Urban' textile print

Textile design based on 'Urban' pieces created.
Mixed media on grey cartridge

10 second landscape

Watercolour and ink on white card. 8.5x4cm


Unicorns by Unknown

I don't know who created the unicorn series of postcards at 6x4 (pieces weren't named) but I thought they were very clever and quirky.

6x4 exhibition preview

The exhibition is now open to the public and runs until end of March.


6x4 exhibition

I previously uploaded the pieces that I had created for the upcoming 6x4 exhibition and I also included some 2011-12 portraiture work into my submission selection. I haven't formally exhibited in a gallery for a long time as I tend to sell my work mostly in shops, so this is a slight change of creative direction for me.
It looks like this exhibition will have 400+ pieces being exhibited. This is a staggering amount of submissions to catalogue and hang!

The exhibition opens on the 15th March 2013 @ the Cooper Gallery, Duncan of Jordanstone, Dundee. Admission is free.


Urban continued...

I have continued working on the urban landscape theme for my next piece and have used a limited palette of grey, blue and white. Still at the building and layering stage.


Another piece for submission

This piece is slightly smaller than the 'Urban' pieces. It is a pencil drawing on gesso and is an analytical study of my Papa. It combines strong lines with subtle, delicate strokes. The emphasis being to create a memory through line.